07905 862 810 anne@annepennington.com

Anne Pennington Research & Strategic Insight provides strategic and tactical support in research, social marketing and evaluation to help you every step of the way along your project journey, from first ideas through planning, design, implementation and monitoring through to final evaluation.

Click on the tabs below to find out how we can help you understand your customers along your project journey.

What needs to be done?

Uncovering the issues
Understanding what works
Where is change needed?
Understanding customers’/clients’ journeys, needs, aspirations, emotions

Services from Anne Pennington Research & Strategic Insight

Understanding performance data
Review of comments, complaints, stakeholder engagement and feedback
Journey mapping
Literature review

Project assessment

What needs to be done?

Identify aims, objectives and outcomes to be achieved
Identify messages

Services from Anne Pennington Research & Strategic Insight

Stakeholder analysis
Aim, objectives and measurable outcome development
Logic modelling
Evaluation frameworks
Pre-intervention/campaign research to identify and describe target audiences, set baselines:

Questionnaires – online, paper-based
Focus groups
Depth interviews
Consultation and engagement

Marketing approaches
Research briefs and agency recruitment

Strategic Plan

What needs to be done?

Customers’/clients’ response to plans
Assessment of options

Services from Anne Pennington Research & Strategic Insight

Prototype testing
Questionnaires – online, paper-based
Focus groups
Depth interviews

Project Design

What needs to be done?

Check for teething problems
How is it working in practice?
What improvements should be made?

Services from Anne Pennington Research & Strategic Insight

Stakeholder feedback
Customer feedback
Data collection and analysis

implementation & monitoring

What needs to be done?

Post-intervention/campaign research to
assess achievement of aims and objectives
and any lessons learned

Services from Anne Pennington Research & Strategic Insight

Assessment of outcomes/impacts:

Questionnaires – online, paper-based
Focus groups
Depth interviews
Journey mapping

Project evaluation

Is this something we can help you with?

Call Anne today on 07905 862 810 or send us a message